About all the wonders
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All The Wonders is a home for readers to discover new books and to experience the stories they love in wondrous ways. It is an entertainment channel, a variety show, and a modern library all wrapped up into one digital home.
Message from the team
We at All The Wonders are a collective of working writers, podcasters, filmmakers, and visual artists who feel that great books deserve a life beyond the shelf. We believe that children make a more lasting connection with a story when they can experience it in various forms. Therefore, our goal is to expand the universe of the books we love by offering up podcasts, videos, songs, crafts, and much more, all centered on those great works of literature and the people who make them. This content, we hope, will inspire not just a new generation of bookworms, but a new generation of book creators as well.
Every page turn is an opportunity to experience wonder. Let’s not waste a single one.
Blake Hamilton
Blake Hamilton is a children’s author, filmmaker, and the president of All The Wonders. His short films have screened at festivals around the world, and his clients have ranged from television networks like CBS, NBC, and HBO to organizations like Princeton University and The White House. Blake currently lives in New Jersey where he writes picture books, middle grade fiction, and media content, all while fathering a curly-haired-pirate-fairy and her minion. Connect with Blake at @blakehamilton or at AllTheWonders.com.
Matthew Winner
Matthew Winner is an elementary library media specialist in Columbia, Maryland. He is a co-founder of All The Wonders and host of the All The Wonders: The Children's Book Podcast, featuring interviews weekly with authors, illustrators, award winners, up-and-comers, and everyone in between. In 2013 Matthew was named a Library Journal Mover & Shaker and was invited to the White House as part of the Champions of Change program. For more information, connect with Matthew on Twitter at @MatthewWinner or online at MatthewCWinner.com.
Meet the team
Corrina Allen is a 5th grade teacher and mom of two energetic young girls. She is a contributor at MGBookVillage and the host of Books Between - a podcast to help teachers, parents, and librarians connect children between 8 and 12 to books they’ll love. You can find her on Twitter at @corrinaaallen or Instagram at @Corrina_Allen.
Hannah Barnaby is a former children’s book editor and indie bookseller turned author. Her debut young adult novel was a William C. Morris Award finalist and her second novel received a starred review from Publisher’s Weekly. Hannah will make her picture book debut in 2017. In the meantime, she teaches creative writing to students of all ages in Charlottesville, VA, where she lives with her family. You can find her at www.hannahbarnaby.com and follow her on Twitter at @hannahrbarnaby.
Mike is an aspiring children’s book illustrator. He received a BFA with a concentration in painting from Mason Gross School of the Arts at Rutgers University. He has 13 years experience working as a motion graphic designer at CNN and Fox Business Network. Mike is currently the Art and Design Director at Telos Corporation and is a member of SCBWI. You can see more of Mike’s art online at Ciccotello.com.
Daniel Doyle
Daniel is a Web Designer, Developer and Project Coordinator based in Kelowna, BC. Daniel has years of experience working both in a creative agency and as a part-time freelancer designing websites, working with WordPress templates and managing mid-sized websites. With a B.A. in Film Production from York University and a Diploma from Niagara College in New Media Web Design, Daniel brings aspects of his Fine Arts background and combines them with practical project management and coding expertise.
A self-proclaimed multipotentialite, Daniel can also be found working as a photographer, video editor, cake designer and baker; a wide range of skills and abilities that can bring fresh perspective into any project.
Chris Harrington
Chris Harrington is an illustrator, writer, storyteller who currently resides in New Jersey. Chris spends his days doodling on paper, scribbling down words and his passion for doing so has only grown stronger since creating his finger painting masterpiece in marinara sauce. Some years later that led Chris to earning his BFA in (Communications Design - Illustration) from Pratt Institute. He has then worked within the children’s market spanning educational videos, to designing novelty figurines, to custom illustrative stationery...Chris is a member of SCBWI (Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators) and he is currently pursuing authoring and illustrating picture books. You can find Chris’ illustration work at www.cshillustration.com or say hello @cshillustration.
Katey Howes writes books for children and blogs about raising kids who love to read. She's passionate about equipping caregivers with the tools they need to engage and excite the next generation of readers. Katey's first two picture books, Grandmother Thorn (Ripple Grove Press) and Magnolia Mudd and the Super Jumptastic Launcher Deluxe (Sterling) release in Fall 2017. Katey is former physical therapist, a current Girl Scout leader, and mother to three wild and wonderful girls. You can often find Katey in her basement, where there is a small office, a large castle, and a medium-sized trebuchet. Alternately, look for her online at kateyhowes.com or on Twitter@Kateywrites.
Lina Maslo is an author and illustrator with a Degree in Art from New College of Florida. She is a member of SCBWI, and after attending SCBWI conferences for several years, and a Highlights retreat, she met her agent, Rubin Pfeffer, who helped her sell her first book. Lina’s debut, FREE AS A BIRD: THE STORY OF MALALA, is being published by Balzer+Bray of HarperCollins in 2018. A second book, THE DOOR TO NARNIA (a C.S. Lewis biography), will be published by B+B in 2019!
Lina lives with her husband and children in South Carolina. You can find her at www.linamaslo.com and on Instagram and Twitter @linamaslo.
Nick Patton loves stories. In addition to the role of dad, husband and son Nick is an artist, illustrator and creator of the beloved Picturebooking Podcast. What started out of frustration as an author and illustrator pursuing the goal of becoming published has become a thoughtful podcast that enables thousands of listeners to connect with authors and illustrators in a meaningful way. Featured guests include Melissa Sweet, Greg Pizzoli, Josh Funk, Elise Parsley and many, many more. You can find him on Twitter at @nickpattonillo.
Mel is a picture book author, illustrator, and enthusiast with an MA in children’s Literature, an MFA in Writing for Children, and a BA in Studio Art. She’s currently querying her first picture book about Penelope, a pineapple who is trying to find a creative solution to a very spiky problem. Mel can be found blogging about picture book design and illustration over at LetsTalkPictureBooks.com, and you can join in on the conversation on Twitter and Instagram @Spiky_Penelope.
Jess Townes is a freelance writer and aspiring children’s book author. Before writing for children, she worked in public education and non-profit program development, with an emphasis on building community partnerships. Jess currently serves as ARA of SCBWI-Missouri, and blogs about children’s literature, parenting, and creating an intentional home at www.jesstownes.com. You can find her on Twitter @JessicaTownes.
Brian Won is the designer behind All The Wonders. Brian wore many hats as a busboy, shoe salesman, library shelver, art director, and designer before making children's books. His debut book, Hooray for Hat!, is published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. A Chicago native, Brian graduated from California’s Art Center College of Design with an honorary ninth term before co-founding National Television, a design and animation company. Brian's awards include the Silver Medal by the Society of Illustrators and the Mentorship Award from the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators. He currently lives in southern California with his wife and young son. You can find him online at www.brianwon.com and on Twitter @bwon1.
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