Take a peek behind the creative curtain with illustrator Anoosha Syed and find out what inspires her, where she goes to be productive, and how she combats artist’s block. The C.R.E.A.T.E. series explores creativity with children’s book authors and illustrators.
Bloom, Whirl, Leak, Swirl: The Making of Swatch, Part 3
In this third and final making-of post, author/illustrator Julia Denos shares how her initial idea grew and changed until emerging as what we now know as the beautiful story of Swatch: The Girl Who Loved Color.
Translating the Wild: The Making of Swatch, Part 2
In this second making-of post, author illustrator Julia Denos shares the reasoning, revisions, and character designs that became Swatch: The Girl Who Loved Color. For more, visit our All The Wonders of SWATCH feature.
(Un)taming a Story: The Making of Swatch, Part 1
Share this PostAuthor illustrator Julia Denos shares the process she went through of finding her story that became Swatch: The Girl Who Loved Color, and letting her characters speak their ...
WELCOME TO MY STUDIO with Linda Ashman
Linda Ashman, author of ROCK-A-BYE ROMP (Nancy Paulsen Books), takes us on a tour of her writing space in North Carolina to show us where she finds inspiration for her stories (and why illustrations of dogs make their way into so many of her books).