All week long we’re celebrating THE SECRET PROJECT, the mysterious and edifying nonfiction picture book about The Manhattan Project.
Jonah Winter – Picturebooking, Episode 76
Today’s featured picture book is about the atomic bomb. What I find fascinating about this book is the words you will not read. Atomic Bomb, Manhattan Project, WWII, Japan and Germany never appear. So what are you left with? What do you see? What does it mean? We talk with this story’s author, Jonah Winter, about this chilling and powerful picture book.
Take a tour of illustrator Jeanette Winter’s illustrations in THE SECRET PROJECT.
Diary Entry: A Writing Prompt for THE SECRET PROJECT
THE SECRET PROJECT by Jonah Winter and Jeanette Winter offers an entry into study of the atomic bomb and the secrecy surrounding wartime scientific discovery. Classes and families can use this book as a jumping-off point for learning about the events and tensions that brought the world to its current state of nuclear proliferation. Here we provide a writing prompt that could be incorporated into language arts, history, social studies or science curriculum.
A Book About the Atom Bomb — You Know, For Kids!
Author Jonah Winter explains why he created the seemingly impossible: a children’s picture book about the a-bomb.