Something Extraordinary Tissue Paper Dandelion
The cover of Something Extraordinary contains a wish. A boy blowing on a dandelion, as you do. The first page tells us what the wish is: to fly. In fact, everything the boy wishes for is extraordinary like that. But as the book goes on, the boy learns that extraordinary stuff is in the every day too. Wish granted!
Leo: A Ghost Story Popsicle Stick Puppets
Leo: A Ghost Story is a book that reflects a child’s imagination with its pretend-play, the way a ghost feels commonplace, and the fact that Christian Robinson’s illustrations are created out of imperfect cut-paper. Also, knights of the round table and sidewalk chalk drawings!
Max the Brave Peephole Diorama
The beauty of a diorama is that you get to experience the story in 3D. Plus, a peephole makes it feel like the whole thing is a hidden secret, so that’s a bonus too!