Author Bethany Hegedus joins us to reveal the cover of her new picture book, ALABAMA SPITFIRE.
Under a Cloud of Darkness
Lauren Davis contemplates the impact of today’s actions on tomorrow’s children.
Diary Entry: A Writing Prompt for THE SECRET PROJECT
THE SECRET PROJECT by Jonah Winter and Jeanette Winter offers an entry into study of the atomic bomb and the secrecy surrounding wartime scientific discovery. Classes and families can use this book as a jumping-off point for learning about the events and tensions that brought the world to its current state of nuclear proliferation. Here we provide a writing prompt that could be incorporated into language arts, history, social studies or science curriculum.
20 Books About Refugee & Immigrant Experiences
Our Books for Better team has gathered 20 titles for readers of all ages that explore a variety of immigrant and refugee experiences through the eyes of young people.
Books for Better: Refugee & Immigrant Experiences
Literature gives us this valuable gift. Let us all use it to empower our children and raise them to be global citizens. It is not an option; it is essential. It is the only way to ensure that our Statue of Liberty forever stands as a beacon of hope and a symbol of freedom.
Best of 2016: Picture Books
Excellence abounded in picture books this year, taking the form of piano-playing bears, Debbie-loving foxes, and the secret language of insects. Enjoy our list of the best picture books of 2016, as selected by the team at All The Wonders.
All The Wonders: Our First Birthday!
Happy First Birthday to us!
Taking a Peek Inside THE DAY I BECAME A BIRD
Mel Schuit digs into Ingrid Chabbert and Guridi’s new picture book, How I Became A Bird, and reflects on the impact of nostalgia and first love.
Friendship Books for Every Age
A collection of favorites inspired by the message of Raymie Nightingale, a new novel by Kate DiCamillo.
Best of 2015: Picture Books
Camp All The Wonders has been abuzz with year-end favorites and if this list is at all a testament, 2015 was a very good year for picture books. Check out our favorites and let us know what we missed by leaving us a comment below.