017: Best of Picturebooking 2014

In All, Picturebooking, Podcasts by Nick Patton2 Comments


Thank you for listening and supporting the Picturebooking Podcast in 2014. This episode is a look back at some of my favorite moments from this past year.

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Thank you!

Thanks for listening to the picturebooking podcast this year! If you enjoyed this episode, subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or sign up to receive emails of new episodes below. If you want to be my best friend in the whole world wide web leave a review for the podcast on iTunes and share this episode with your friends. Thanks again for letting me and this podcast into your life.


  1. What a great way to wrap up your year, Nick. Well done! I’m so thankful that I got to be a guest on Picturebooking this year and even more grateful to know someone else so passionate about picture books is out there creating great kid lit podcasts! Keep up the awesome work! I can’t wait to see what 2015 brings your way!

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