L.J.R. Kelly – Picturebooking, Episode 79

In All, Picturebooking, Podcasts by Nick Patton1 Comment

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Noah Klocek Cloud Country Picturebooking

Sometimes It’s Storks

L.J.R. Kelly is the author of SOMETIMES IT’S STORKS, illustrated by the Brothers Hilts. Babies arrive by different means and this book covers some of the quirkiest. Kelly shares some of his family’s baby delivery tales, along with his family’s passion for stories. I truly enjoyed having this conversation with Roald Dahl’s grandson. I think you’ll like it too!

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Learn more about L.J.R. Kelly

L.J.R. Kelly’s featured book

Sometimes It's Storks

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About the Author

Nick Patton

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Hi my name's Nick! And I enjoy stories told with words and images. In 2014 I started the Picturebooking Podcast, where I get to chat with the people behind my favorite stories. I spend my free time writing, drawing, painting and talking picture books. It’s a good life.


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