Inspired by the work of Martin Luther King, Jr. and Representative John Lewis, we’ve compiled a list of thirty-five picture books perfect for rallying young activists and getting the next generation on the move for social justice.
Come With Me: Beyond The Book
We go beyond the book COME WITH ME with author Holly McGhee and illustrator Pascal Lemaître! Join us for a very special video premiere, a glimpse at how their picture book has inspired kindness and gratitude in schools, and a one-of-a-kind giveaway!
Books For Better, February Archive
Did you miss the Books for Better “Books about the Immigrant and Refugee Experience” Twitter chat last Monday? No worries! We saved the archives for you to explore.
20 Books About Refugee & Immigrant Experiences
Our Books for Better team has gathered 20 titles for readers of all ages that explore a variety of immigrant and refugee experiences through the eyes of young people.
Books for Better: Refugee & Immigrant Experiences
Literature gives us this valuable gift. Let us all use it to empower our children and raise them to be global citizens. It is not an option; it is essential. It is the only way to ensure that our Statue of Liberty forever stands as a beacon of hope and a symbol of freedom.
Empathy: Stead’s Common Thread
Read on to learn more about how Samson in the Snow weaves empathy throughout its pages, and how several of Stead’s other works incorporate this significant and timely theme as well.
Books For Better, November Archive
Did you miss the Books for Better “Books The Respect Kids with Unique Abilites” Twitter chat last Monday? No worries! We saved the archives for you to explore.
Books For Better, October Archive
Did you miss the Books for Better “Books to Nurture Empathy” Twitter chat last Monday? No worries! We saved the archives for you to explore.
Books for Better: Books to Nurture Empathy
This month’s Books For Better theme is “Books to nurture empathy.” The more our little ones read, learn about others, and see themselves in stories conveying messages of empathy, the more this virtue will become an instinctual part of their behavior and makeup.
Books For Better, September Archive
Did you miss the Books for Better “Books to Evoke Change” Twitter chat last Monday? No worries! We saved the archives for you to explore.
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