Artist Rafael López reflects on the inspiration behind the beautification project that transformed his community.
Maybe Something Beautiful: How Art Transformed a Neighborhood
Carter Higgins lead us on an exploration of the art and story of Maybe Something Beautiful.
Making Something Beautiful
In Maybe Something Beautiful, one child sets out to spread joy and light in her community by using the transformative powers of art. Contributor Katie Penry shows us how we can do the same in our own neighborhoods with a fun, inspired craft.
Transform Your Neighborhood
Bloggers and book-loving-moms Lauren Davis and Katey Howes have teamed up to offer parents, teachers and caregivers this list of simple, actionable ways you and your children can transform your community into “something beautiful.”
ALL THE WONDERS of Maybe Something Beautiful
This week we’re celebrating MAYBE SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL, a picture book from authors F. Isabel Campoy and Theresa Howell, with illustrator Rafael López. In the story a young girl’s ambition and curiosity inspire a neighborhood to transform and revitalize their community through art.