Blake Hamilton: All The Wonders, Episode 248

In All, All The Wonders Podcast, Podcasts by Matthew Winner5 Comments

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Co-Founder and Friend

Blake Hamilton (@BlakeHamilton), filmmaker, writer, and, most important to this episode, co-founder of All The Wonders, stops by the podcast to talk about making barriers, conceptualizing a home for readers and books, the moment when he “finally found his way home”.

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Princess of the Mud
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Watch a collection of videos Blake has created throughout his career, including Princess of the Mud, a simple, but touching film of his daughter playing in their rain-soaked yard.

Creative Spaces: Steve Light
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Current and Former All The Wonders Team Members mentioned

Emily Arrow
Danielle Davis (This Picture Book Life)
Nick Patton (The Picturebooking Podcast)
Katey Howes (Katey Writes)

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Thanks for listening to the Let’s Get Busy podcast! If you enjoyed this episode, subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or on the Stitcher radio app. There you’ll find an archive of every episode of the podcast. You’ll also have an opportunity to leave a review or some stars. If you do, hugs and high fives are coming your way. Thanks for inviting us into your ears and for your support!

About the Author

Matthew Winner


Matthew Winner is an elementary library media specialist in Elkridge, Maryland. He is is the co-founder and content director of All The Wonders, a children’s literature website and more, and host of the Let's Get Busy podcast, a weekly podcast where Matthew talks to authors, illustrators, award winners, up-and-comers, and everyone in between. In 2013 Matthew was named a Library Journal Mover & Shaker and was invited to the White House as part of the Champions of Change program. For more information, connect with Matthew on Twitter at @MatthewWinner .


  1. I could’ve SWORN I posted a comment here as soon as I listened to this podcast, but I guess not! :-\ Blake, I’m so happy I’ve actually met and spoken with you several times, and we’ll do it again in a few weeks! Yay! Matthew, I hope I can say the same about you someday 🙂 You guys are fantastic and listening to this, and hearing you both express your love for each other and how you’ve gone about making this wonderful site happen is just so heartwarming. I love learning more about you, Blake. Thanks, you guys!!! oxox

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