Rowboat Watkins – Picturebooking, Episode 81

In All, Picturebooking, Podcasts by Nick Patton1 Comment

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Rowboat Watkins – Pete with No Pants

Pete With No Pants

Maurice Sendak fellow, author-illustrator Rowboat Watkins stops by the pod to talk about his latest book PETE WITH NO PANTS. This book really surprised me. I was ready for silly … I was ready for fun … I was ready to laugh. And this story has all of that … but even after several readings I still get a little choked up at the end.

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Rowboat’s Featured Book

Pete with No Pants

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About the Author

Nick Patton

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Hi my name's Nick! And I enjoy stories told with words and images. In 2014 I started the Picturebooking Podcast, where I get to chat with the people behind my favorite stories. I spend my free time writing, drawing, painting and talking picture books. It’s a good life.


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